2 hardbody chicken
2 tablespoon thyme
1 small full onion ( chopped finely)
1 black garlic clove
2 normal garlic cloves
3 chicken stock
2 tablespoon paprika
1 teaspoon oregano
Black pepper
3 bay leaves


1. Rinse chicken and pat dry with paper towel
2. In a pot add chicken, oregano, onion, garlic, thyme, paprika, chicken stock, bay leaves and black pepper. Add even water cook on medium heat for about 3/4 hours or until the chicken is tender. (Don't forget to keep add water)
3. Once the chicken has cooked through remove from the pot ( don't throw out the gravy) and add a bit of oil in a pan and fry until golden brown.
4. Then add the gravy on the meat and let it simmer until its a bit thick.
HARDBODY RECIPE HARDBODY RECIPE Reviewed by special recipes on February 23, 2024 Rating: 5

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